Friday, July 31, 2015

I think I'll have a cool one

I can almost feel that frigid air wafting out of the door of delight!
Ah, Summer!  I'm not fond of all the heat and humidity it brings but I am partial to the ice cream that seems to be an integral part of this season.  So, I thought I'd look fondly back this Flashback Friday at a staple in my neighborhood back in the day and 

Thursday, July 30, 2015

prIde vs hUmbleness

Take note of the prominent "I" 
Sometimes when I get thinking I can't stop myself like today's Thoughtful/Thankful Thursday. Actually this idea popped into my mind a few days ago and I thought (ya, yet again) it would make an interesting topic for a Thursday. It's turning out to be much more of a involved topic than I had anticipated...lots of meat on the bone here.  As you can probably guess I'm talking about pride/proud and how, perhaps, it's not the greatest

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Doggies sing the blues

Hey hey, it's W/E Wednesday and I was inspired to do a post on dogs...again.  If you don't like dogs I'm sorry on a few different levels, but I love them tremendously and on my Wednesday posts they'll be sure to show their fluffy canine faces every now and again.

My inspiration came from another

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

How to keep the poison ivy itchies away

On this weeks Tips, Tricks and Treats Tuesday I thought I'd touch on a ticklish subject...actually it's more downright itchy.  That's right, I'm talkin' 'bout the pariah of the plant world, poison ivy (or oak or sumac, they'll all get you).  We're still in the height of summer so learning about these green demons is probably time

Monday, July 27, 2015

Going bananas...again

Oh, the carnage!

I'm always surprised by what I discover when I'm searching for items for Mesmerizing Medium Monday and today was definitely no exception.  I dunno, somehow I always end up being sucked into some crazy banana vortex abundant with yellow artsy ideas. So, here's a 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Simple Sunday-Eeeee

A rock in a tree
how can it be?
My eyes that see
playing tricks on me?
As I stand like a tee
feel green as...a pea?
I hear the buzz of a bee
no wait, one, two, three?
Seeming happy with glee
are these bugs on a spree?
I must suddenly pee
Was it from drinking that tea?
Nope, it's the stingers, oh gee!
Will I ever be free?
Searching, I drop to a knee
Where is that car key?
I find it and flee
am I in the Grand Prix?
The Officer, a he
 " You ready for a fee?"
Voice small as a flea
I squeak out a "Oui?"


Saturday, July 25, 2015

Dinos, "Dogs" and Foxes

He was hungry

It's Snapshot Saturday where the pics do the talking.  Remember to click on "Read More" to view more :)

Friday, July 24, 2015

Tasty Memories

Yay!  Fun Food!
There is food in store for this Flashback Friday as I will feature meals that are fond in my memory.  To the left is one of the classic Libbyland Frozen Dinners available back in my youth.  I loved getting these and what's not to like?  There was the cutey/comic packaging that could be turned into a cutey/comic serving tray, there was a bonus Milk Magic mix to enhance your milk and most of the foods included were some of your 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

I think therefore I think and think and...

I do it all the time

I'm thinking it's Thoughtful/Thankful Thursday and I was thinking about what to write about as I was also thinking about how it's getting late and I should go to bed but that I reallllly should write this post so then I starting thinking about what to write again and

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Getting in the Last Word

Pretty nasty wallpaper
Okay, it's W/E Wednesday so it's my time to throw anything I want at don't have to read it after all, but I hope you do.  So, as I was skimming the web-waters I happened upon one of those items that entice you to check out some crazy information that, at the time, you don't want to miss.  The one that caught my attention was about famous people's last words which seemed like a morbidly interesting topic at that moment so on I clicked.  The quote by Oscar Wilde grabbed my attention and

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Fun in the Summer Sun

Our visit to Tippy Dam Recreation Area
Hey-ho!  I hope y'all didn't think I vanished forever from my bleating as I was just on a vaca in the northern regions of the fantabulous state of Michigan.  As this is Tips, Tricks and Treats Tuesday and I still have the info fresh in my mind, I thought I'd share some of the new spots we found that I believe are hidden gems.  The first pic is of the Tippy Dam Recreation Area.  This is a fishing mecca but it's also great for you nature lovers/hikers out there as there is a river trail to meander along with lots of spots to dip your tootsies in.  Here is a link...  

Check it out for more info on all the particulars on this nifty travel spot, especially the 

Monday, July 20, 2015

My baby, just-a wrote me a letter

How romantic :)
I'm back again (had some summer vaca time) with another Mesmerizing Medium Monday. This post was inspired by a birthday gift I received from my so very thoughtful nephew a few weeks ago. I was surprised to open up a new "antique" quill pen complete with a set of nibs, ink and a stick of sealing wax.  It evoked an image of me similar to the one above of a

Friday, July 10, 2015


Yet again it's Flashback Friday and today's menu features The Beach Boys.  Oh, and not just ANY of their many hit,hit songs but it's all about the muscle cars this week!  My thoughts are zeroed in on summer now that it's here and that goes hand in hand (at least around these parts) with cruising.  First

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Find the Flecks

And she's told me this many times!

It's Thoughtful/Thankful Thursday and my thankful thoughts are drifting to earlier this week.  I was due for a teeth cleaning and my appointment happened to fall on the day before my birthday.  No prob, right?  Welp, I was in the home stretch of my bi-yearly minor torture when, as the hygienist was flossing, my crown popped off.  Okay, not too

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

How do YOU do it?

Not my yard; for example only :)
A certain topic has been on my mind as of late and today's the day on this W/E Wednesday to release this nagging thought into the world...well at least to you all reading my blog!  And the topic is **drumroll** Mowing the Lawn **ching!**.  The Hubby had always mowed the lawn (or cut the grass, if you 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

No Sweat!!
Tada!  It's Tips, Tricks and Treats Tuesday and after much thought (well, enough thought anyway) I decided that it'd be a nifty idea to discuss the semi-delicate subject of underarm perspiration a.k.a. sweat, seeing as it's summer and it's getting all hot and humid.

First on the agenda is an interesting tip

Monday, July 6, 2015

The Mighty OakoAk

We will again go to the streets for this Mesmerizing Medium Monday and search out some super imaginative art.  

The artist I'm featuring today is known as OakoAk  from France and you can catch his fanciful street art there, in particular in his native St. Etienne. His works are not "in

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Simple Sunday-Beyond

Leaves forming a frame
white vapor drifts above me
my eyes sky high spy

Thoughts relax in view
breezy winds tease, plays in trees
fluttering like flags

Treat for my senses
eyes, nose, ears, skin, and a taste
for the heart and mind

Embracing all in
thankful, my soul cries to the
One beyond the clouds


A Haiku

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Ah, Summer

Old Glory

On this Snapshot Saturday I thought I'd try and dig through my pics and find some that are somewhat relevant to the 4th of July.  I don't have too many but I'll do the best I can and hopefully you'll like 'em.  Happy Independence Day!

Don't forget to click on "Read More" for more pics :)

Friday, July 3, 2015

Flashback 4th

Oooooo, ahhhhhhhh
Seeing as the 4th of July is almost here, I thought I'd dedicate this Flashback Friday to the holiday. Of course one of the first things we think about when we ponder on Independence Day is fireworks.  I remember back in the day (well, even now in the day!) how

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Ryting Roolz 

An age-old mystery solved!

As usual, I'm always thinking (my double edged blessing/curse) which is useful when it's Thoughtful/Thankful Thursday.  My bestie, Pappy,  has fair colored hair which I am always teasing her about using the classic Blond Jokes.  And yes, I believe I used the word "blond" correctly in that sentence.  I had always wondered when teasing my friend relentlessly with my written assaults what was the proper way to spell her hair shade and I finally looked it up!  Go me.  So as you can observe to the left, the appropriate way

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Naughty Doggie!

Just trying to look outside...

Hello der!  It's W/E Wednesdays and I decided to bring in another floating topic; dogs.  Today I'm going to  talk about those crazy things that our lovely doggies do.  

Ah, the old dog-in-the-blinds gig. This poor critter got a bit carried away trying, I assume, to look