Monday, August 31, 2015

Getting to the knitty-gritty

My toe bone is knitted to my...foot bone
Hey all!  It's Mesmerizing Medium Monday and guess what creative branch I'm climbing onto today?  But of course, it's knitting! There are some crazy-talented folks out there and here are just a few.

Ben Cuevas is officially an Installation Artist (looked this up and it means art that is

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Simple Sunday-The Beast

A walk in the summer wood
revels mystery
that I should

Grand scope shows nothing to view
focusing in show
something new

Creature alights to take rest
delicately clear
wings are best

A mythical beast I sigh
dragon first in name
also fly

This beast is nothing to fear
what his name implies
it is clear

As in the heavens he goes
I fondly say bye
my smile knows


Thursday, August 27, 2015

Moccasins, Planks and Love

Two moons or a's the walking that counts
Once again I've really overthought and over researched for my small blog on this Thoughtful/Thankful Thursday.  What can I say?  I try quite diligently not to pass on false information.  For example, the iconic phrase about not walking in someone's shoes or moccasins  is supposedly not an old Native American proverb...or is it?  I thought I had it figured out, as certain sites I came across attributed the sentiment to a poet, Mary T. Lathrap in a piece from 1895.  However, I also came across more info that stated it was not contained in a collection of her other works and it turns out I could not find said poem, supposedly titled "Judge Softly", in any other official location.  Perhaps she wrote it or, if not, I couldn't find anyone else connected to it...phew!  To cut this shorter, I suppose

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Beatles' American Invasion

Ladies and gentlemen...The Beatles!
All you Beatles fans out there, I am once again featuring them on this W/E Wednesday.  I'm trying to post in a somewhat chronological order but we'll see how that goes in the long run. However, I am still on the right timeline which brings us to the Beatles takeover of the good ol' U.S.A. It's common knowledge that the Beatles first landed

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Magiookstrous T.V. Shows

Loved the nose wiggle
Here we go with another Flashback Friday and what magical, kooky and monstrous ideas do I have for you today? Well, just have a gander at some of these old mythical-based shows.

First on our magical tour is Bewitched.  Nose-twitching Samantha Stevens and her short-wicked husband Darren 

I make-a da sauce

Cook those tomatoes into submission...and sauce
 Hey de ho, it's Tips, Tricks and Treats Tuesday and I was speculating on what to write about for today when I thought, Hey!, I bet there's a lot of people out there with an abundance of tomatoes like I have and might like a few ideas on how to use them.  It's always nice to give some of your crop away, but it's also nice to use it, too.  I had already given away a bunch and was thinking of a way to utilize the LARGE bowl I still had. Spaghetti sauce popped in my mind so I Googled away and here's what I came up with...

Monday, August 24, 2015

Bubble Street Gallery

"A Chance to Dream"

This Mesmerizing Medium Monday will feature the fanciful art of Daniel Merriam.  I can't remember exactly where I first viewed his fabulous work, but I would bet it was on Pinterest.
I love, love, love surrealist art and that's the branch Mr. Merriam falls into.  His website is called "Bubble Street" and I'm assuming he formulated the title from his frequent use of bubbles in his works.  From my casual perusal of his paintings I also noticed other common themes are fish, butterflies and houses.  The latter is present in all my picks today, I suppose, because home is so very important to me.  In this first example I can fancy myself on board

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Simple Sunday-Even the stones

Even the stones
though commonplace
are different 
shapes, sizes, colors
Even the stones
though silent
can speak
of past, of place, of beauty
Even the stones
though basic
have worth
in gardens, as tools, to enjoy
 Even the stones
though soulless 
can matter 
are different, can speak, have worth
Even the stones
though unlearned
can teach
 show, guide, lead
Even the stones
though merely stones
show souls all
 are different, can speak, have worth, 
Even the stones
though earthly
do scream eternity
faith, hope, love


Friday, August 21, 2015

Games of "olden" times

Frantic Fun
Goin' back in time to the late 60's/early 70's this Flashback Friday and investigating some games I fondly recall.  

First on tap is the ol' "Ants in the Pants" game.  This consisted of a pair of Farmer Jack's (or whatever farmer you care to choose) plastic red suspender jeans and a hoard of plastic ants that actually looked more like grasshoppers.  The simple object was to flick your ants/grasshoppers into the pants by pressing the rear end of your bug,

Thursday, August 20, 2015

NOT a burst balloon!

Would you?
On this Thoughtful/Thankful Thursday I am a bit of both and I'll explain why.

A few weeks back the Hub and I went garage sale-ing and happened upon one that had some good deals on fishing rods and reels.  Well, Hubby got quite excited and got a few, paying for them with cash from his wallet.  Perhaps you can guess where this 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Mellow Yellow Stylin'

Tie one on banana style
Here we are again on another W/E Wednesday and once again I'll serve up bananas.  Oooo, I used to love to eat bananas as a kid but somewhere along the line I acquired a sensitivity to them so I cannot eat them any!  Perhaps my consumption avoidance of them makes me more fond of them, like craving the thing you can't have.  There's no harm for me to look at the yellow beauties, so expect to see these yellow dudes every once in awhile.

Today I'll deal exclusively in banana apparel, starting with this 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Prank me, Daddy

Fake bugs are ALWAYS fun

On this Tips, Tricks and Treats Tuesday I've decided to dwell on the "Tricks" since I haven't done that in awhile, at least not of the of the prank variety.  Why wait for April Fool's Day?  I say. Spice up the day with a fun (not too naughty!) hanky-pranky.

Fake bugs are inherently a great gag and this little tease is pretty harmless but should be enough to give 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Simple Sunday-Dog in Box

Dog in box
not a fox
color black
front to back
even tongue
so much fun
soulful eyes
cutie pies
likes to play
all the day
out can't get
silly pet 
makes me smile
all the while
let him free
he goes pee
home we go
love him so


Saturday, August 15, 2015

Red car, blue car, old car, new car

"I spent my life savings turning my van into a dog."
It's Snapshot Saturday where I let the photos do the talkin'.  It's Vehicle Cruise time (I used vehicle instead of car because there are all sorts of wheeled machines about, many that don't fit in the "car" category) so here are some shots from last years event.  And remember to click on "Read More" for more to view :)

Friday, August 14, 2015

Crusin' down the avenue

Here's another look back at songs about vehicles from our past on this Flashback Friday.  I'm in the mood as it's summertime and classic car owners are cruising around in their car"pets" (hee hee, pun time).  Well, enough of my frivolity and on to the tunes...

First up on the playlist is a spunky

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Okay, where'd I hear that?

On this Thoughtful/Thankful Thursday I thought I'd have YOU do some thinking!  I will subject you to three, count them, three movie quotes and you may, if you take my chal-on-gg, try and guess where (oh, where!) they came from.  Ready?  Okay, here it goes...

#1  "These go to eleven."  This one, I think, is pretty easy and that's why I made it the first one as I'm going for the easy to hard route.  Clue:  A musical spoof.  And the answer is...

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Odd Idea=Funny Money

For fun it's a wonderful toy
W/E Wednesday has reared it's head yet again and today I'll touch on the topic of odd ideas that made certain people a dump-load of moo-la-la.  I'm presenting them in the order of "odd but good" descending down to "And why did people waste their money?", at least in my opinion.  As you can probably guess, the "good" idea was the Slinky.  The toy got it's start when naval engineer Richard James dropped a tension spring he was working with and had a light bulb moment when it did the slink-thing.  What a million dollar accident!  I suppose  I should start watching my clumsy moments more

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Hot Dogs to Chilly Pups

Since we're in the hot Dog Days of Summer I thought it'd be nice to share some chilly treats for our hot dogs this Tips, Tricks and Treats Tuesday.  
First cooling snack is for Cheese Pupsicles and is pretty easy to put together from the ingredients shown in the pic at left.  Just place some cut up cheese cubes into 

Monday, August 10, 2015


Nope, the title's not a typo but an art form I'm going to feature this Mesmerizing Medium Monday.  I happened upon this craft in one of my many searches for new and exciting ideas to showcase and I thought this

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Simple Sunday-End of the Day

The end of the day
searching above the tree leaves
frames the dusky sky

Eyes delight in clouds 
of pastel molten lava
oozing overhead

Volcano vault show
surpasses man's fireworks
in awesome beauty


Saturday, August 8, 2015

Sailing, takes me away

Calm Waters

The pics are doing the talkin' today as it's Snapshot Saturday.
Take a deep breath, relax and enjoy and make sure to click on "Read More" to view more :)

Friday, August 7, 2015

Flashback Fashions

Ol' Red

It's Flashback Friday once again and today I'll remissness on clothes I remember back in mid/late 60's.  First off is this little number, a red plaid jumper.  The pic to the left is not exactly like mine but it's pretty close.  I remember wearing it to kindergarten, with both a white turtleneck and tights underneath.  Side story...when I'd get home

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Magical Memory Tour

I am thinking once again for this Thoughtful/Thankful Thursday and I'm pondering upon memories.  I was reading my AARP mag (yes, I'm a member) and flipped to an article on how music is greatly helping Alzheimer patients.  It seems that music is a kind of "magical"catalyst (I'm so full of whimsy!) that conjures up our tucked-away memories so we can enjoy them again.  Before I forget (hee hee, irony) here's the link to read more about the wonderful affects music has for the elderly...

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

And it's good for you :)

I was scoping out Facebook the other day and zeroed in on the tidbit to the left and thought it'd be an interesting topic for W/E Wednesday, that topic being laughter.  After watching this video of people being slowly overtaken

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Just Desserts

As good as it looks
Thoughts of sweeties are dancing in my head like sugarplums this Tips, Tricks and Treats Tuesday.  I have test-eaten all of the following goodies and they've all been given the two-forks-up approval from me and the family.

First on the dessert tray is Krispie Ice Cream Dessert. This recipe is just right for a summer gathering as it only has 4 ingredients (more if you desire extra toppings that I didn't use), one of those ingredients is ice cream (yum!), it makes enough for a small crowd as it's made in a 13x9" pan and, duh, it tastes scrumptious.
It's cool and creamy and is reminiscent of fried ice cream.  The recipe calls for 3/4 cup of butter but I used 1/2 cup and it turned out fine.  I didn't use the caramel sauce shown in the photo but I'm guessing it would've been a nice extra flavor.  Here's the link for this chilly delight...

Monday, August 3, 2015

Serving up some pretty pancakes

Taco Pancakes!
Hello there!  It's another Mesmerizing Medium Monday and today I'm dishing up some Pancake Art.  The hotcakes to the left were cooked up by Michael Goudeau who started out his craft by making letters out of pancake batter to amuse his kiddies then took off 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Simple Sunday-Zeb and I

Holding my trusty Zebco
out at our fishing spot
clear, sunny and hot
is how the weather did go.

Calm and warm on the pier
dipped hot dogs in the lake
caused a minuscule wake
wondered if fish were near.

Hooked on my Senko
and flung out my line
Zeb shot it out fine
 watched how far it did go.

Gave Zeb's handle a turn
slowly reeled in my bait
going slowly, but wait
a heaviness hard to discern.

A fish...could it be?
dragging in our prize
Zeb and I soon realize
it's only the weed of the sea!
