Friday, April 10, 2015

Hot Dog, goin' to the Drive In!

Oh, what fun memories of going to the drive-in :)

Yet another Flashback Friday is open us and this week my thoughts are drifting back to one of the most sentimentally satisfying areas of my memory bank and that would be the old Drive-In Movie Theater.

It was a kid's paradise to get the treat of going to see a show in the outdoor arena.  First cool usually got to wear your p.j.s or some similar comfy clothes.  The drive there was a euphoric feeling of heightened anticipation that grew stronger the 

This image makes me want to run up to the playground
closer you drove to the Portal of Pleasure.  Once inside, since it was probably still light out, you were able to tear up to the front of the lot under the screen where the playground equipment usually sat. Shoot, it was fun enough in itself playing in your jammies!  One drive-in we went to even had fire engine rides...awesommmme!

FINALLY it would get dark enough for the movie to start.  On a nice, warm night, if your dad washed the car, you could even camp out on the hood with some pillows propped up on the windshield to cradle your back parts.  Of course, don't forget to turn up the volume on your speaker and do NOT forget to unhook it when you leave!

Soon enough hunger would beckon, but no worries as the snack bar was never too far away.  You would want to park close enough for a short trip for snack gathering or a potty break, but not too close or all the people-traffic would be a distraction while watching the flick.  

Maybe you'd make it through the first movie but the odds were less that you'd make it all the way through the second feature.  No matter, as you would just drift off to sleepy-land in your own vehicle with Mom and Dad right there to make sure of your comfort and safety.  Oh, childhood bliss!

Sadly the Drive-in is trodding on the same road as the dinosaur.  The Hub and I were able to expose our daughter to this glorious experience but it's getting mighty difficult to uncover one now.  I know there are still some lingering Drive In Lots out there which makes me smile and want to re-visit these havens of entertainment before they flicker no more. However, age is creeping all around which makes that venue a bit more uncomfortable then when I was a kid in pajamas or even when I went when Hubster and I were dating.  I suppose it's much more exciting for the young, but I can always hope for some grandkids to pass the Drive-In baton to, eh? 

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