Thursday, September 10, 2015

Dream a little dream of dread

Umm, am I even at the right locker?
I've been doing some thinking, as always probably too much, and have cooked up an idea for today's installment this Thoughtful/Thankful Thursday.  I just had a dream about going back to high school after being absent for about a whole semester, or so it seemed in my subconscious. I had no idea what my schedule was or even where my locker was, let alone not knowing the combination.  Have you ever had dreams like that? 

I have no idea where I'm supposed to go...
Apparently it's pretty common. I looked it up and some dream interpreter says it's related to performance anxiety.  I don't feel like I've been having trouble with that in my life now, so I have no clue why I dreamt that.  Perhaps it's because my battle with the wasps I've been having (see last Thursday's post on that).

Another reoccurring dream I have is being back in band and not knowing what I'm doing. Sometimes it's just regular band which isn't quite so bad since I'd just sit there and not play. The really anxious band related dream situation is when I'm back in marching band and, not only do I not know what I'm playing, I have no idea where to move in the formation. Okay, maybe no big deal to you non-band people, but it strikes terror into us band geeks.

What evil thing lurks down this foreboding hallway?
One last repetitive dream I have is of evil houses, specifically hallways. I'll be walking through the house and come upon a hallway and actually feel evil radiating from it, which is pretty creepy even in a dream.  I also have dreams of the hallway in my Grandma's old house which sounds like it'd be a warm, nostalgic interlude except that, even in real life, that hallway always bugged me.  It was somewhat long but lead right to the back door which could be freaky at night, especially if you had to go to the bathroom which was almost next to that door.  The photo of the hallway was one I took when Hub and I were staying at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island.  Our room was wayyyyy on the end and it slightly creeped me out staying in that room.  Hub agreed with my sentiments on this one!  The interpretation of hallway dreams has to do with our paths in life.  I haven't had one of these dreams in awhile so I guess I'm doing okay there!

So do you have these sort of dreams?  No worries as they're all pretty common and just our brains being goofy as we sleep.  Perhaps having them can help us in our awake state by trying to guess what they're telling us.  Or maybe our brains are just playing practical jokes on us.  Whatever the case, they're only dreams...or are they?  :) 

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