Friday, March 6, 2015

Boy and their Toys

To infinity and beyond!

This Flashback Friday I decided to emphasis toys that guys, and some of you gals like me, played with.  I have two older brothers so I was exposed to lots of boy's stuff, especially since I was the only girl and in the sibling-gender minority.  GI Joe was one of those male-geared toys that floated around our house.  We had the Spaceman Set shown on the left.  The space capsule (think of David Bowie when you read "capsuuule") was really cool and I liked to play with that when I got a chance.  However, I inherited the GI Joe dolls when The Boys got older and I really didn't care for them.  In fact, I used to make them the villains when I played

No bullets, just poofs of air

with them and my Barbies.  I realize he was "A Real American Hero", but I didn't understand that back then. All I knew was that dang scar bugged me and the arms and legs coming off, well, that was just creepy to me so they were therefore regulated to the bad-guy category.

Another novelty I have hazy memories about was the Air Blaster gun shown above.  I remember the gun very well...that "poof" of air always made me flinch!  I didn't recollect the gorilla target until now when I stumbled on this image.  You shot at his mouth and the gorilla, made of hanging strips, would shimmy around.  This primate face also bugged me...I guess I was one of those easily startled types!  

I have very vivid memories of this guy!

Anddddddddd, speaking of being startled, this mechanical monster, The Great Garloo, has a nice sized slice in my memory pie.  My brother Gregor was playing with him and, for a good laugh I suppose, told me to stand in front of Garloo with my hands flat with palms together.  I was naive (a.k.a. dumb!) enough to do this and he promptly clasped the monster's stiff, hard, plastic hands in a vice-like grip on my poor, soft, pink little girly hands.  Not a joyous memory but, as enough years have passed,  a pretty humorous one :) 

Watch the video below to observe how a proper brother and sister should play together.  Notice how the little girl actually kisses the Green Menance of my childhood.  HER brother was very kind by having his Great Garloo deliver his sissy's baby doll right to her...awwww!  HER memories are filled with drippy sweetness while mine are filled with abject terror.  Of course, I realize I have a "real" brother that would rather torment than treat his little sister and I theorize I'm not alone.  Oh well, that's how it goes with boys and their toys :)

Well behaved siblings at play, unlike us :)

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