Thursday, August 6, 2015

Magical Memory Tour

I am thinking once again for this Thoughtful/Thankful Thursday and I'm pondering upon memories.  I was reading my AARP mag (yes, I'm a member) and flipped to an article on how music is greatly helping Alzheimer patients.  It seems that music is a kind of "magical"catalyst (I'm so full of whimsy!) that conjures up our tucked-away memories so we can enjoy them again.  Before I forget (hee hee, irony) here's the link to read more about the wonderful affects music has for the elderly...

And compound that by hundreds of songs
Music also helps us to remember things when we are young as well.  How about the good 'ol Alphabet Song?  Sesame Street got it right with their plethora of fun tunes geared to help the kiddies (and some of us older kiddies!) learn and lock into their memory banks what they had learned.  

As we get ever older, magical music is still there helping to build up a stash in our mind's treasure chest, depositing golden nuggets of priceless times to draw on in our future.  I'm pretty sure everyone has at least one special song that 

And so they both are entwined
reminds them of a lovely event and/or person.  I know I have many musical memorandums that instantly zoom me back to specific points in my life almost like it's time travel...and in a way I suppose it is! 

Music is a beautiful power that not only generates glorious moods but can help us grasp and store many cherished happenings in our lives and protect them from fading away.  So if you're out there manufacturing fresh memories, turn on the tunes to help capture and crystallize that magical music memory! 

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