Thursday, August 13, 2015

Okay, where'd I hear that?

On this Thoughtful/Thankful Thursday I thought I'd have YOU do some thinking!  I will subject you to three, count them, three movie quotes and you may, if you take my chal-on-gg, try and guess where (oh, where!) they came from.  Ready?  Okay, here it goes...

#1  "These go to eleven."  This one, I think, is pretty easy and that's why I made it the first one as I'm going for the easy to hard route.  Clue:  A musical spoof.  And the answer is...

"This is Spinal Tap"!  I adore this movie, a bit of an oldie but fo' sho' a goodie.

#2  "I know you are but what am I?"  This one might be a bit trickier for some.  It's a pretty common phrase but it was thoroughly used in this particular movie.  Clue:  The main character could be described as a man/child.  And the answer is...

"Pee Wee's Big Adventure".  Ah, the memories of Pee Wee in the movies and on T.V. in his Playhouse are always an odd bit of fun.

#3  "Of course, you know, this means war."  This one is extra sneaky, I think, because you may think you have it (like I did!) but you'd be only partially right.  You have to go a bit more backwards to find the original flick.  And actually, the one I thought of and thought you might think of (phew! Lots of thinking there) is actually not technically a movie anyway.  But I would still give partial credit for that one anyway.  Never the less, the answer is...


"A Night at the Opera".  This Marx Brothers film, yet another favorite, has Groucho uttering the aforementioned phrase.  Of course, Bugs Bunny also spat this words out in "Long-haired Hare" back in 1948 but Groucho beat him to it back in 1935.  The nifty video clip includes both versions for your enjoyment.

Did you get all three?
Did you get none?
It doesn't matter because
it was all for fun!

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