Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Beatles' American Invasion

Ladies and gentlemen...The Beatles!
All you Beatles fans out there, I am once again featuring them on this W/E Wednesday.  I'm trying to post in a somewhat chronological order but we'll see how that goes in the long run. However, I am still on the right timeline which brings us to the Beatles takeover of the good ol' U.S.A. It's common knowledge that the Beatles first landed

here as a group on February 7, 1964 and subsequently had their debut performance on The Ed Sullivan Show on February 9, 1964.  I am told I was present for the historic event but unfortunately was a bit too young to appreciate it! The video to the right gives you a taste of that night...

Ah, but did you know that their performance on Ed's show was not the first American prime time broadcast of the Boys?  I know I didn't!  It was, in fact, on the Jack Paar Program back on January 3, 1964 more than a month earlier than their record setting live performance (and that's the difference...the Paar performance was taped in England).  Well, you can learn something new everyday if you try.

I hope you learned something new about the Fab Four and hope you loved it...yeah, yeah, yeah!

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