Thursday, August 20, 2015

NOT a burst balloon!

Would you?
On this Thoughtful/Thankful Thursday I am a bit of both and I'll explain why.

A few weeks back the Hub and I went garage sale-ing and happened upon one that had some good deals on fishing rods and reels.  Well, Hubby got quite excited and got a few, paying for them with cash from his wallet.  Perhaps you can guess where this 

My sentiments exactly

story is going,but I'll continue.  As we started to drive on the main road Hubster noticed that his wallet was missing. We drove back to the garage sale we just left and started frantically searching for the missing money holder, when the garage owner informed us a young girl found the wallet and just left to try and notify the wallet owner, a.k.a. us!  We drove on and caught up with her (which was a bit tricky as she was on roller blades) and were reunited with the not-lost-long billfold and gave the young woman, much to her sweet resistance, a small reward.  Not only were we ecstatic to get the wallet back, but our faith in the honesty of our fellow man, well in this case fellow woman, was rekindled.  

Oooo, experiments

Apparently the odds were in our favor to get it back according to the results of the test on the left, at least in experimental theory, as New York City, U.S. of A. was 4th most honest out of 16 countries tested.  Good thing we weren't in Lisbon, Portugal where only 1 out of 12 "lost" wallets were returned.

Well, whatever the survey says, we thankfully encountered a super-sweet young woman and I'm thinking how grateful I am that she found Hub's stray wallet and blew up my balloon of Hope-in-the-Honesty-of-People :)

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