Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Prank me, Daddy

Fake bugs are ALWAYS fun

On this Tips, Tricks and Treats Tuesday I've decided to dwell on the "Tricks" since I haven't done that in awhile, at least not of the of the prank variety.  Why wait for April Fool's Day?  I say. Spice up the day with a fun (not too naughty!) hanky-pranky.

Fake bugs are inherently a great gag and this little tease is pretty harmless but should be enough to give 

An OCD person's nightmare!

a bit of a startle to your victim.  I think the bug cut-out in the photo is a bit too large, though.  Just keep it small and simple and you should get a good giggle out of it.

The next prank is easy-peasy to put in motion but should get some interesting results, especially from your OCD acquaintances. I know it would bug me.  Actually the M&M's and the Reese's Pieces could be a good combo, but the Skittles...eh.  

Super almost-sinister
This last trick is pretty much bordering on the evil side, like just teetering close to nasty but not quite crossing the line.  I would save this joke for someone with a good sense of humor or someone you don't expect to  be around in the future.  I don't even want to think of how gross it would be to bite into an Oreo, expecting that yummy cream filling, only to get a mouthful of minty mush. Again not quite evil but a pretty icky gag.

Have fun with these more-or-less harmless prankies, but make sure your victim can have a laugh out of it, too, or you may have to look over your shoulder for quite some time :)

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