Monday, August 31, 2015

Getting to the knitty-gritty

My toe bone is knitted to my...foot bone
Hey all!  It's Mesmerizing Medium Monday and guess what creative branch I'm climbing onto today?  But of course, it's knitting! There are some crazy-talented folks out there and here are just a few.

Ben Cuevas is officially an Installation Artist (looked this up and it means art that is

I kinda wish all inanimate objects had cute faces

made up of multiple components in a large space) that works mostly with knitting and crocheting.  His skeleton is unique and quite humerus (a bone pun!).

Nicole Gastonguay who lives and works in New York City, makes the aaaa-doooooor-able knitted items above-right.  I love how every work is super happy :)

I saved this last work for the Grand Finale since it's size alone makes it the right choice.  Lauren Porter knitted this full size Ferrari as a university project that took her 10 months to complete and used 12 miles of yarn to complete.  Whew!  I wonder how her fingers held up to all that needle clicking.

I never really thought of knitting as an art form but indeed it is. I'm sure I'll never look at an afghan the same again :)

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