Thursday, July 9, 2015

Find the Flecks

And she's told me this many times!

It's Thoughtful/Thankful Thursday and my thankful thoughts are drifting to earlier this week.  I was due for a teeth cleaning and my appointment happened to fall on the day before my birthday.  No prob, right?  Welp, I was in the home stretch of my bi-yearly minor torture when, as the hygienist was flossing, my crown popped off.  Okay, not too

It's sometimes hard to find the gold, but it's always there 
big a deal, just glue that puppy back in, right?  Wrong.  For some reason, the hygienist put the crown back on while she finished flossing and when she went to take it off it cracked. **Sigh**  So off to the dentist on my birthday for me.  I think in my younger years this would have seriously bummed me out but not the older, seasoned me.  As it turned out, my cool dentist was able to squeeze me in and get me set up with a temp topper until my golden crown comes in, plus she was super cool and gave me a Starbucks gift card for coming in on my special day! The lesson for the day?  Look for the flecks of gold in the slurry.  

It's easy to be thankful when you have those large nuggets of gold that are easy to find. But it takes a steadfast heart to search for those tiny flecks in the "slurry" of life and be happy with them. In fact, if you seek out all those little things, in the end they add up to much, don't they?

So in a few weeks when I go in to have my new golden crown installed in my mouth I'll consider it, not a bother, just another fleck of gold I am thankful for :)

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