Friday, July 3, 2015

Flashback 4th

Oooooo, ahhhhhhhh
Seeing as the 4th of July is almost here, I thought I'd dedicate this Flashback Friday to the holiday. Of course one of the first things we think about when we ponder on Independence Day is fireworks.  I remember back in the day (well, even now in the day!) how

much fun it was to play with sparklers.  Sometimes we'd scrape all the "sparkle magic powder" off the metal sticks and wad them up in some foil, add one saved sparkler to the mix, light it and watch the fun as the whole shebag eventually went off in a huge poof of light!

All of us 70's kids loved Schoolhouse Rock and how we could actually enjoy learning.  Take a view of the video to refresh your brain cells on why we celebrate the 4th.  Ah, if only the S.H.R.  creators had continued making these fun clips to teach us how to do "grown up" stuff like choosing the right IRA or healthcare provider.

And what Independence Day Celebration would be complete without a rousing rendition of the 'ol Star Spangled Banner?  I just loooooooove this version by one of my all time favorites, Jimi Hendrix.  The way he plays our National Anthem just gives me the chilly-tingles!

So enjoy reliving this vintage era as it looks back to the early days of our Country and have a blast of a 4th!

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