Tuesday, July 28, 2015

How to keep the poison ivy itchies away

On this weeks Tips, Tricks and Treats Tuesday I thought I'd touch on a ticklish subject...actually it's more downright itchy.  That's right, I'm talkin' 'bout the pariah of the plant world, poison ivy (or oak or sumac, they'll all get you).  We're still in the height of summer so learning about these green demons is probably time

well spent.  I'm showcasing all videos today which may take a few minutes to watch and ingest but also may save you hours of agony.  The first clip above is super helpful in understanding the basics about poison ivy and I found it extremely enlightening, especially when he uses motor oil to simulate the urushiol oil that puts the "poison"in the ivy.

The next vid is full of brief reminder rhymes, such as "leaves of three, leave it be" to help you avoid these nasties in the first place.  It's not exactly comprehensive but it gives you a good idea of what to look for.

Uh-oh!  Despite all your precautions (or not listening to the above videos, you silly goose) you got that vile rash from the wicked weed.  So now what?  Well, the last video gives you some practical (and economical...a bonus!) advice on how to help heal and relieve the itchy/scratchies.

Some people are apparently resistant to the urushiol in poison ivy/oak/sumac.  I assume that I am since I used to weed my yard for years, bare handing it, when one day my son-in-law chirped up informing me that many of the weeds I had been picking were, according to him, poison ivy. I'm still not 100% convinced of it so I try to be careful now (not always as I think I picked one up the other day...but I do somewhat try).  However, the vast 85% majority are not resistant so beware!  Be sure to watch these videos and arm yourself with information and not arm your arms with a nasty rash!

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