Thursday, July 23, 2015

I think therefore I think and think and...

I do it all the time

I'm thinking it's Thoughtful/Thankful Thursday and I was thinking about what to write about as I was also thinking about how it's getting late and I should go to bed but that I reallllly should write this post so then I starting thinking about what to write again and

Oh dear!  Is this my fate as well? 
then I came up with the idea to write about me thinking so much!  I have always had the tendency to overthink, I believe. You know, the kind of thought process in which "but what if" constantly enters the brainal functions.  Now, I view this as a double edged sword. On the negative side, thinking things through too much can lead to crippling worry...I should know!  It can keep you from trying new and different things since you "never know what'll happen".  It's taken me years to let go, little by little, bit by bit, and let some of those nagging concerns fall off my back. It's kind of like you're carrying around bunches of little stones in a backpack and all of them together in a load weighs you down. If you just let them drop to the ground, one by one, your load gets lighter with every drop and soon you're making your way along lighter, easier and freer. 

My Mom always told me I had such an imagination :)
I thought the word "freer" looked funny so I did a check on it and it's fine...and there I go thinking again! And this thought leads me to the positive side of the Thinking Sword. I'm pretty good at avoiding "dumb" moves because I'm usually a step or two ahead in my thought process to avoid bungles...well, the majority of the time! I'm great at organizing and planning and that happens to be extremely helpful in the craft of writing which, hopefully, I'm displaying as you read this post. And, of course, my thinking leads me to places in my imagination where I scrounge around in to find ideas to write about!  How about that?  So my thinking has lead me to writing and thinking and hopefully has gotten you to think as well.  And least that's what I'm thinking :)

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