Monday, July 20, 2015

My baby, just-a wrote me a letter

How romantic :)
I'm back again (had some summer vaca time) with another Mesmerizing Medium Monday. This post was inspired by a birthday gift I received from my so very thoughtful nephew a few weeks ago. I was surprised to open up a new "antique" quill pen complete with a set of nibs, ink and a stick of sealing wax.  It evoked an image of me similar to the one above of a

Something to shoot for 
 romantic poet which I basically am. So now I have these cool artistic supplies and what to do?  Write a letter!  A nice, fancy one like they did in the olden days.  Shoot, does anyone write letters anymore?  I mean real, sincere, sentiment filled ones.  Back in the day you would go and buy beautiful stationary, sometimes even scented (I know because I bought some and I still have fond memories of that paper!).  In our modern world it seems that this wonderful art form (and yes, it truly can be if done with care) is going the way of the buffalo. Well, thanks to my nephew, I think I'll make a personal effort to keep it alive.  I have my work cut out for me, though, if I want to go the calligraphy route as you can notice in the nearby chart.  I have to admit my own handwriting has gone down the tubes a bit since I type (and thank goodness for spell check!) so much.  But, time permitting, writing a good letter is worth the effort.  

The finishing touch
Of course, the crafted words of the letter are most important.  You don't have to be a fancy-smanchy poet to write a heart-felt letter, just try and sprinkle in your true feelings...being a little corny and mushy (but just a bit!) is fine. But it does make your special delivery even more so with the extra frills. The sealing wax is such a memorable flourish and sets the dramatic tone for the recipient, beckoning them to investigate the beauty inside.  Geez, I sure am a sappy romantic, eh?  

So get out your pens and write!
Soon I'm hoping to practice with my quill and write, not only a well written letter, but an aesthetically 
pleasing one complete with sealing wax!  Guess who's getting my first work?  Why, my nephew who opened this new creative facet to me!

 Hopefully my enthusiasm will be contagious and encourage you to pick out some gorgeous stationary, dribble out some of your heart onto the paper and write a letter to someone you care about :)

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