Friday, July 24, 2015

Tasty Memories

Yay!  Fun Food!
There is food in store for this Flashback Friday as I will feature meals that are fond in my memory.  To the left is one of the classic Libbyland Frozen Dinners available back in my youth.  I loved getting these and what's not to like?  There was the cutey/comic packaging that could be turned into a cutey/comic serving tray, there was a bonus Milk Magic mix to enhance your milk and most of the foods included were some of your 

favorite morsels...and warm pudding is unexpectedly comforting.  

To your right is the infamous (?) Mug-O-Lunch.  I've had a few of these in my day, pretty much just the mac and cheese variety.  Not really gourmet fare, but it was great if you wanted something quick and easy to stuff your gut. 

The Holy Grail of Foods in my youth
The frozen food to the left was my hands down fav-oh-right meal in my tweenie years.  I was a pretty picky eater so my Mom was nice enough to have some of these on hand for days when she served what I considered unpalatable dinners.  I would say she was spoiling me a bit, but my Dad loved cheap hamburger that was filled with nasty gristle (which I can't stand to this day) and she used it in our meals  multiple days of the week  These mini pizzas were a delicious oasis on some of those days.

Well, writing this post has induced hunger in me so off I go to find some food...if only I had a time machine to go back and grab some of the chow from my past :)

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