Wednesday, July 8, 2015

How do YOU do it?

Not my yard; for example only :)
A certain topic has been on my mind as of late and today's the day on this W/E Wednesday to release this nagging thought into the world...well at least to you all reading my blog!  And the topic is **drumroll** Mowing the Lawn **ching!**.  The Hubby had always mowed the lawn (or cut the grass, if you 

I finally can relate to lawn mowing jokes :)
prefer) for years until I took over a few years ago.  I did this for a few reasons, one being that I read that it's great exercise and I really need that and two, it was a way I could help out Hubhub so he could work on a project I would have a lot more difficulty with.  It's been working out great so far although the pounds are NOT dripping off, much to my bummed-ness.  So, I found out I have a certain pattern when I do my mower pushing exercise and I wondered if my "technique" was common or just plain odd.  The first pic I posted gives you an idea of how I do it, starting from the outside of the lawn's perimeter and continuing inward in a spiral fashion until I end up in a spot more or less in the middle of the lawn.

How I feel on a hot day of mowing
We have a neighbor that goes systematically up and down in perfect, straight lines whilst me betta haff told me he did the diagonal thing.  It's just something most people do yet never really talk about it...until now.

So how do YOU cut/mow/chop your grass/lawn/weeds- masquerading-as-a-lawn (as in my case)?  The time is now to voice your mowing technique choice!  I think I should put that on a bumper sticker :)  

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