Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Getting in the Last Word

Pretty nasty wallpaper
Okay, it's W/E Wednesday so it's my time to throw anything I want at don't have to read it after all, but I hope you do.  So, as I was skimming the web-waters I happened upon one of those items that entice you to check out some crazy information that, at the time, you don't want to miss.  The one that caught my attention was about famous people's last words which seemed like a morbidly interesting topic at that moment so on I clicked.  The quote by Oscar Wilde grabbed my attention and

Staney is one of my all time faves :)
 made me think that I would want to have that jocular-type of attitude when I'm ready to climb that stairway to heaven.  This train of thought intrigued me so on I chugged looking up some other witty last words.

Stan Laurel was the genius behind the Laurel and Hardy duo as he did much of the writing for their comedies and I wouldn't have expected anything less from him for some of his final quips.  A brilliant trooper to the end :)

So true, Little Tramp :)
This final example is my favorite of the bunch.  Chaplin's words are not only quick-witted but profound as well.  To me this is the perfect way to make the Grand Exit from this world to the next.  

My apologies if this post is a bit on the forlorn side but it's something we all have to deal with at some point and, hey, why not go out with a courageously positive attitude, both for you and your loved ones. God willing, I plan on leaving 'em with perhaps a tear, but also with a smile :)

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