Thursday, May 21, 2015

Gratitude is an Attitude

It's a good way to use a ruler :)

The days flow on and it's once again Thoughtful/Thankful Thursday.  I'm going to emphasize the thankful aspect today and being thankful is always a good thing, unless you get snarky and say you're thankful for not-nice things like someone you don't like having something bad happen to them....that's not cool. Naw, I'm 

We "otter" be more thankful

talking about appreciating all the good stuff, the things that make your heart grow like the Grinch's did in the old Christmas classic.  Family and friends are high on the list, of course, as well as other living things such as your furry, finned or feathered "babies".  You can then trod into the material territory including your home, a reliable vehicle, appropriate-for-the-weather clothing, food to fill your belly and the like.  Special events can fill up the list including holidays, vacations, sporty games and even going to see a movie.  Oh, as I sit here and ponder I could go on and on with all sorts of wonderful blessings to be grateful for, but I'm hoping you're getting the basic concept here.

We haven't yet hit on those things spiritual, which I'm heading into now. When I'm saying "thanks" I'm talking to The Big Guy and I try to take advice from His Book and be content in ANY situation which is quite another endeavor.  How can you be thankful when your washer breaks down, the dog just puked on the floor and your body is crying "uncle, uncle, uncle!" again. That takes some thought and prayer to do!  

From the large to the small
to the visible and invisible
be thankful for all 
and your life will be livable!

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