Monday, May 11, 2015

One man's trash is another's instrument

I was listening to the news (pretty sure it was T.V. and not internet) when I caught a snippet of a story about a group of musicians called the "Trash Orchestra" that, logically, turn trash into instruments.  Of course I had to investigate and of course I had to share the video on this Mesmerizing Medium Monday.  When I was

searching for these "trashy" musicians, the first clips that popped up in my search were for the group to the right called the "Landfill Harmonic Orchestra" and were just as fascinating as the former players.  Talk about turning trash into a noteworthy (pun, pun!) treasure!

The last vid is of two extremely talented and inventive musicians that make their instruments, not out of garbage, but out of vegetables. However, their creations turn into trash and they have to fabricate new musical devices for each performance.

I am continually amazed at all the odd and wonderful artists I uncover in my wanderings and these "Trash to Tune" musicians definitely do not disappoint and may make me drift into musical musings as I prepare dinner and take out the garbage :)

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