Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Trick and treat, for my feet

Whilst overlooking my daily News Feed, I happened upon this interesting tip and henceforth was determined to include it in Tips, Tricks and Treats Tuesday.  This athletic shoe tip (running shoes are emphasized) explains what that extra hole at the top is 

Avoid the stink-foot
for and how to use it.  Well really, who knew?  But we do now, don't we?

After your particular choice of exercise, help prevent stinky-piggy shoes by putting a coffee filter in each shoe and sprinkling in our friend baking soda and let sit overnight.  I'm thinking you could also lightly sprinkle some b.s. (baking soda, please!) in your shoes and tap the shoes (with your hand, not dancing) to distribute the soda around the insides and put them on for the day.  Sounds good to me.

Looks soothing for the toofies
You're done with all the days activities and taken your shoe-sies off and treated them with a dusting of b.s. and now what?  It's time to pamper your peds with a soaking and a scrubbing.  First, make this soothing-sounding foot scrub.  To concoct, add 2 cups of sugar into a glass jar (one with a tight fitting lid would be nice).  Next, mix together 1/3 cup Listerine (green's a good choice because of the mint) and 1/3 cup vinegar and then pour into jar with sugar and stir to combine, adding more sugar if needed to thicken to your liking.  You might want to delegate a spoon just for your L.V.S. scrub. You can use this just before you shower but take heed to not slip in the tub before you rinse it off!  Another nice option would be to use during a nice foot soaking. So......

Cheap and relaxing...a good combo
here is one idea on how to soak your toes.  Fill a foot tub (looks like a dish pan in the pic) with hottish water (not too hot, of course) and add 1/2 to 1 cup of Epsom salt (or you could try the same amount of b.s. if you don't happen to have Epsom salt handy). For extra fun, add some marbles and/or a golf ball to roll-massage your feeties while soaking.  After awhile, grab your jar of L.V.S. scrub and slather on each foot and gently scrub away, then dip in your foot bath to rinse.  Pat dry with a fluffy towel and you're done!

Wow, after writing this I have an incredible urge to do all the foot-tips I have written about...how about you?

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