Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A Casserole and Salad and Dessert...oh my!

Looks good!
Here we are slowly gliding into the week and it's Tips, Tricks and Treats Tuesday once again.  I will present to you today a menu for you to try, including dessert.  Okay, I haven't tried any of these recipes out yet...boo me...but I am planning on it very soon.  I really don't see how things could go wrong with them and they seem quick and easy to put together, which is always an A+++ with me!  For your main entree I introduce to you the Sloppy Joe Tater Tot Casserole.  A quick review of the recipe entails frying some ground beef with onions and peppers, throwing in some corn, Manwich and cream cheese, then topping with shredded


 cheese and tater tots.  Here's the link for all the details you need...


I was thinking of what would "go good" with the casserole and figured a salad would be a refreshing choice but my strict "quick and easy and good" criteria made me search for just the right recipe.  Well, here is what I came up with, Insanely Easy Tomato Salad.  Tomatoes, onions, basil, garlic, Italian dressing...mix and "boom" done!  In case you want precise measurements, here's the link...


So pretty in my tummy :)
And now for my favorite part of any meal, dessert!  I wish I didn't like them so, but alas the goodies call to me and I succumb.  However, this cutey-patooty trifle isn't all too horrible for you.  And, just as it's title implies which is No Bake Cheesecake Trifle, no baking or hot kitchen is required to put this together.  Well, you are baking the casserole but it will at least cut down the heat!  The basic idea with this number is to mix cream cheese (a personal fave), greek yogurt, sugar or alternate sweetener, lemon juice and Cool Whip and layer this concoction with berries and crushed graham crackers.  Sounds like a scrumptious end to a meal.  Here's the nitty-gritty on this sweetie...


So have a go at this menu soon...I know I will ;)

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