Friday, June 26, 2015

Another Fun Friday

Oh no, it's Flashback Friday again and my mind is on the topic of Native Americans.  I happened  to find some vintage video clips of some songs in my wanderings and thought it'd be nice to pass 'em along.

First we have Cher doing her "Half- Breed" song from 1973.  She looks kind

of glitzy for a Native American, but the song, in essence, is good.

Next up is Paul Revere and The Raiders singing their popular '71 tune "Indian Reservation" or as many may know it (including me!), "Cherokee People".  I actually like this song and remember hearing it all those years ago.

Last and soy-turn-lee not least is not a song about Native Americans but BY Native Americans.  Redbone put out their song "Come and Get Your Love" in 1974 and I remember this one getting lots of air play.

Okay, I lied. This is the last video and I'm throwing it in as a bonus since this clip is not from the 70's and it's not a song about Native Americans or a performance by a Native American group, well not exactly.  This is a snippet featuring Christopher Walken dancing to Redbone's song from above and since I love Christopher Walken and the song is by a Native American group and it's just a cool video AND this is my blog and I can choose to put this in :)

It's kind of odd how Cher portraying a Native American on a horse flowed into Christopher Walken dancing but that's just the fun of Fridays on my blog.

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