Thursday, June 18, 2015

Sail away, sail away, sail away   

Why, oh why, did someone do this???
It is, of course, Thoughtful/Thankful Thursday and I am, of course, always thinking.  Somehow my mind wandered onto the topic of being OCD, or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder for those unaware of that Initialism (yes, I just found out that is the correct word and not Acronym as I had anticipated).  Now right off, OCD is a legit disorder and I am by NO means making fun of or belittling individuals that may be struggling with a chronic case.  I do think that there are many of us out there that are on the fringe...not a 

And I will :)
chronic case that some individuals suffer with, but those that have definite symptoms.  I believe I am in the latter category as I tend to have some very rigid ways I like things done and I get bothered if things aren't "the right way".  I did allude to that in an earlier post about toilet paper.  My hub is more of the easy-going sort in most things (except when he's working on a home improvement project) and when he changes the T.P. (another Initialism) there's a 50/50 chance he'll get it "wrong" and I'll just HAVE to fix it.  

One of my drives in life is to alphabetize...and it rhymes!
I am an extremely order-driven type which can be good or not so great.  For example, being orderly helps out tremendously when writing (as in this blog post!), but the order-ness can be a drag when things are not done to my specifications and it makes me, to put it mildly, uneasy.  I am very much into alphabetical and chronological order.  I even number items on my grocery list!  Oh, and there are many other examples that I won't bore you with.  You get the basic idea.

Perhaps you are floating in the same or similar boat as me, trying to sail the sea of life and keep things under control, perhaps too much control?  I suppose us sailors need to relax sometimes and let the sea take us for a ride to a different destination  than we might choose. And although not "perfect", it still could be a nifty place to be.  But just make sure the T.P. on your vessel is falling the "right" way, Mateys :)  

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