Monday, June 22, 2015

Castles made of sand, melts into the sea, eventually

A castle AND some dragons
Hydee ho, all!  It's Mesmerizing Medium Monday and featured today are Sand Sculpture Artists.  My heading, for those not in the know, is a line from a Jimi Hendrix song I love, and I believe in giving credit where credit is due, especially to all those artists out there.  In fact, while I was researching items for this post, I ran into difficulty finding photos of this grainy art that also gave credit to the builder with at least a name.  Many put pics out there but didn't bother to find out the master sculpture's name!  I find that a bit bothersome, but I suppose that's a whole other story.  Okay, back on

track here as I did finally find some sites that actually gave the names and mini profiles of the sand sculptors.  The first pic is of a classic castle along with a mommy dragon and her little hatchling (apparently the legit name for baby dragons) and was crafted by Amazin Walter who started his art, in a casual way at first, in the 80's. He has since made hundreds of works and his skill was featured on a Best Buy commercial.

Radovan  Zivny, the next sandman, is a Czech artist who has been doing his thing from 1999. His pieces are absolutely breath-taking and channels the classical masters.  As I enjoy eyeing these works of art, I can't help but think it's a shame that these beauties are only temporary, being made of sand.  Oh well, appreciate what you have today, eh?

Last is a bit of a different form in the field of Sand Sculpturing by IIana Yahav.  Instead of of making 3D works, she uses only her hands to "draw" a story with sand, light and music. It reminds me of and etch-a-sketch, only much cooler!  She's kind of like a "Sandlady" bringing a dream with her performance.

I was amazed and impressed by these Sand Masters and though their medium has a fleeting quality, the beauty can last a lifetime in your memory :)

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