Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Work that Muffin Tin

Who doesn't want a perfect egg?
Well here we are again for yet another Tips, Tricks and Treats Tuesday and once again we'll head to the kitchen for some tricky tips.

I'm so lame...I gather all these ideas and it takes me awhile to try them out (actually it's trying to remember to use them).  I have not tried out this method of cooking hard-boiled eggs but my daughter swears by it. It's pretty simple to do (always a plus for me) and I don't really foresee any major problems cooking them this way.  You just place your uncooked eggs in the wells of a muffin tin, place in a 325 degree oven (or 350 depending on if your oven runs cool) and cook for 30 minutes.  Carefullllllly take them out and carefulllllly place them in cold/ice water for about 10  
minutes and voila', they're done.  Next time I make hard-boiled eggs I promise I'll

Now why didn't I think of this before?
 make them using this method :)  

Using that same muffin tin (after washing, of course), you can serve up a mess 'o condiments at your next BBQ or Taco Night.  If you have a larger crowd, just use multiple tins depending on your group size.

How easy is this?  And every caption ended with a question mark, right?
Yet another even easier way to utilize your lonely muffin tin is to use it to make purdy, jumbo-sized ice cubes for your next summer soiree.  Simply place some lemon, lime or orange slices in each well (or be a mixer and place a few of each into one well), fill with water and freeze.  Fun!

So dig out your trusty muffin tin and give it a good workout this summer. It'll love you for it :) 

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