Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Acting Fishy

It's Whatever Wednesday which means I can post wha-eva is on my mind, and today that is musical, mechanical fake fish.  Okay, here's the deal.  My hub and I were out shopping at our local Salvation Army Thrift Store (I highly recommend this endeavor to's practical, cheap fun and you also are helping out a great charity).  As I was lolling down one of the aisles my hun-bun strides up and informs me that he discovered a

Big Mouth Billy Bass and, of course, we had to buy him!  We have a special place that's just right for such a display as this.  Call us corny, crazy, odd or all the above, but we think we netted a good deal (yes, yes, corny is a good choice). Our boy needs some work (he needs a gear and we're waiting for those to arrive in the mail, oh Mr. Postman) but he still works to a degree.  But guess what?  Oh, happy day, we found a working Billy at a garage sale!  Now we can play them in stereo when we get #1 working properly. Hey, we're not the only ones with a flopping, fake fish fetish.  The clip  above demonstrates how someone hacked their bass.  There are also examples on Youtube of people showing off their collections of  crooning simulated sea life.

Now, to be extra annoying to those haters out there, we are awaiting the arrival of a new fish, Frankie, to add to our school,.  You may remember back about 5ish years or so, McDonald's had a commercial with their own crooner of the deep that sang, "Give me back that filet-o-fish, give me that fish".  If you dare, you can hear the entire rendition by clicking on the video to the left.  He is going to be the prize catch (what a crappie pun...oh no, double pun!) for my upcoming birthday!

Well, however you feel about my bobbing buddies, Billy and Frankie make an "interesting" fish story :)

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