Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Baby, it's you...sha la la la la la la

The Boys

I've dubbed this W/E Wednesday as another Beatles Day, so awayyy we gooo!  In case you don't know their names, (and it's hard for me to comprehend that some people don't know the Fab Boys' names, yet I've encountered such people), in the pic to the left starting at the top left and going clockwise we have John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr (a.k.a. Richard Starkey) and George Harrison.  I thought it'd be fun to go way back and check out some childhood

The young Boys :)

 photos of The Beatles.  This cute photo montage matches the order of the above photo.  So, just to be repetitive, we have John, Paul, Ringo and George looking so schoolboy adorable! 

Beatles and their Boys

I ran into this collection whilst searching for the above photos and I thought it'd be fun to add a few images of the Beatles' children.  To the left, someone put together a collection of The Boys with their child that most resembles them.  From top to bottom...Zak Starkey and Ringo, James McCartney and Paul, Sean Lennon with John (well, I think it should have been Julian, John's oldest son, but Sean looks a lot like his dad, too) and Dhani Harrison and George.  I guess the Beatles' genes run strong! 

The Beatle Bunch
Well, then I felt bad for the other Beatle Babies not getting recognition, so when I gazed upon this gathering, I knew I had to post it.  This one is pretty easy as the names are all included for your knowledge.  You just have to know that the top left four plus young Beatrice are Paul's, Dhani is George's, Julian and Sean are John's and the group of three on the top right side are Ringo's.  

It's been fun "Talking 'bout boys, now"...and girls as well and it seems that "in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make" in the Beatles Clan :)

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