Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Come to the garden, it's a beautiful sunny day!

Sounds easy enough

It's Tips, Tricks and Treats Tuesday and I was inspired by the nicer weather (and a Facebook post) to share some hopefully helpful ideas for you to try in your garden.  If you don't have one perhaps you'll get inspired to give it a go with these simple tricks.

I haven't tried the eggshell idea on the left as of yet, but it seems simple enough (I'm into  simple stuff).  Plus it's

 recycling so it's a double bonus.

The video to the right was my original inspiration for this particular post.  Thanks to my Facebook and "real life" friend for putting this on her news-feed!  I haven't tried this yet either, but it seems like a super-cool idea.  What this basically relates is how to make a hyper-moisture retaining soil using shredded diaper filling (not the filling from babies!).  This should cut down on watering which is good thing, conserving water (and money!) and helping your plant-ies grow.

Good stuff!
This last tippy is a tired and true one, for me anyway.  I started making this weed killer last summer after searching for a more natural and safe way to kill those unsightly greens sprouting around my garden and sidewalk.  In fact, I just used some I had leftover from last summer and it worked as well as it did last year...I was surprised!  Now, you have to be slightly more patient with this formula as opposed to the store "chemically drenched" variety, but I think the cheaper and safer way (what a great duo!) it well worth it.  You have to make sure you have a day or two of warm, sunny weather for it to work best and I've had to hit some stubborn weeds more than once, but it's still good way to go in my humble opinion :)  The formula is pretty straight forward per the directions above.  I usually make a quarter recipe (1 quart vinegar, 1/4 cup salt and a teaspoon or so of dish soap) which fits nicely in a Dollar Store spray bottle.

So put on yer straw bonnet and get some bar soap under yer fingernails (the "bar soap trick" helps to keep soil from gathering under your nails...a throw-in tip!) and hit the dirt!

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