Sunday, June 21, 2015

Simple Sunday-Tepid Spring Noon

A tepid Spring noon found me scouting out sights
there the tracks, cool, steel rails, stretching
bending, leaning, leading
beckoning my curiosity, where?
Degrading timber ties whisper
tattle-tailing their age
while the stones lay unchanged
ancient, ageless, always
Contrasts against the work of man
laid with a purpose for an era past---
no locomotion now
only neglect, an end to a story
I discover, following  this now obsolete 
train trail, suddenly stops along with
my fanciful images of where
I stand with crestfallen abruptness
Tunnel of trees streams out of perspective
a ghost of a route once run
Stories start again, grow and float about
Passenger cars filled with folk
hoops, extravagant hats, button-up boots 
Stetsons, Justins, Colts
conductor with his pocket clock and punch
Steel wheels grooved to their steel line provides
a comforting click-clacking travel tune
going, moving, riding where?
Nowhere now, but a past place 
a destination dream I weave
on this tepid Spring noon.


An Ekphrasis

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