Saturday, April 4, 2015

Beyond Tradition

Lily View

Snapshot Saturday will cover the topic of  Easter traditions at my home.  I love all kinds of flowers with all their diverse colors, shapes, sizes and textures, so it's a no-brainer that I'd bring some inside, especially at Easter with it's Spring-in-the-air vibe.  I always adored the Easter Lily ever since I was a young girl. My Mom would frequently buy them for our home back in the day and I would just stare into it's long tunnel of petals and then focus on the end at those yellow parts that reminded me of egg yolks and would make 

My Homemade Lamb Bread

me hungry for hard boiled eggs!  No problem at that time of year because we had a nice stock of pretty colored ones handy in the fridge. Of course I have a colorful- foiled potted Easter Lily for the holiday.

Because of the meaning behind the Easter Holiday I try and have reminders around and making Lamb Bread for our big celebratory dinner is a tasty tradition I've been baking for quite a few years now.  I actually bought the mold at an After Easter Sale and that's when it all started!
He has risen indeed!

Another tradition I started awhile back was to put up an Easter Resurrection Scene...I don't quite know what to call it other than that.  I saw it in a product catalog and thought it was a super idea. I always have a creche display for Christmas so why not follow through with one at Easter?  Ya, made sense to me.  So now every year Jesus and all the crew come out of their storage box to shine in my living room.  And the tomb actually does light up!

As I contemplated the heading for my entry today, I thought of just calling it "Traditions", but these visual tokens have a significance that goes extremely deep into heart and soul.  In fact, it flies high above even these words you see, through us and up into the heavens. And He is the reason behind these symbols and beyond the tradition that gives it all an eternal meaning :)  

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