Wednesday, April 29, 2015

I remember when...

High tech back in my day!

Whatever Wednesday is my free day to discuss anything that happens to pop in my noggin and today that will be looking back at how things have changed since I was a young squirt.

I remember when pocket calculators were brand new and a simple one, as shown on the left, went for $395 ($1950 in today

 bucks) in 1970.  I tend to recall ones for sale for around $100 a few years later.  Keep in mind they only could calculate simple math problems.

The clip to the right is a result of my earlier thoughts about the "I remember" topic.  I was talking to my friend and telling her I have always been a night-owl and how I loved to stay up late during Summer Vacation from school and watch T.V. until it, as in the broadcast, turned off.  It sounds so funny to think about that, but that's how it went back in the day!  

One ringy-dingy
Ah, rotary phones.  We had one that looked just like the one to the left in our kitchen and that was THE phone for the house. No speed dialing with these babies, just one number at a time and hoping there weren't many "0's" or "9's" in the digits of the party you were trying to reach.  No call waiting or caller i.d. either, so long-talkers were a drag and prank calls were a breeze to accomplish, if you had to guts to go through with it.  And forget about privacy since ours was in the kitchen and my bedroom was down the hallway, although I made valiant attempts by s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g the cord to my room's threshold while listening to my Dad warning me about not stretching the cord. What fun!

Yes, things are "more convenient" in these high-tech years, but I also believe those years-gone-by seem to have had a bit more flavor :)

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